Set Theory
Understanding set theory fundamentals and their applications in probability and statistics.
Set theory provides the mathematical foundation for probability theory and forms the basis for understanding random events and their relationships.
Fundamental Concepts
Basic Definitions
- Set: Collection of distinct objects,
- Empty set: or
- Universal set: or
- Subset: if every element of is in
- Power set: = set of all subsets of
class Set:
def __init__(self, elements=None):
self.elements = set(elements) if elements is not None else set()
def is_subset(self, other):
return self.elements.issubset(other.elements)
def power_set(self):
elements = list(self.elements)
n = len(elements)
power_set = []
for i in range(2**n):
subset = {elements[j] for j in range(n) if (i & (1 << j))}
return power_set
Set Operations
Basic Operations
class SetOperations: @staticmethod def union(A, B): """A ∪ B""" return Set(A.elements.union(B.elements)) @staticmethod def intersection(A, B): """A ∩ B""" return Set(A.elements.intersection(B.elements)) @staticmethod def difference(A, B): """A - B""" return Set(A.elements.difference(B.elements)) @staticmethod def symmetric_difference(A, B): """(A - B) ∪ (B - A)""" return Set(A.elements.symmetric_difference(B.elements))
def complement(A, universal_set): """Ā = U - A""" return Set(universal_set.elements - A.elements)
Set Properties
Basic Properties
Commutative Laws
Associative Laws
Distributive Laws
def verify_set_properties(A, B, C):
"""Verify basic set properties"""
ops = SetOperations()
# Commutative laws
comm_union = ops.union(A, B).elements == ops.union(B, A).elements
comm_inter = ops.intersection(A, B).elements == ops.intersection(B, A).elements
# Associative laws
assoc_union = ops.union(ops.union(A, B), C).elements == \
ops.union(A, ops.union(B, C)).elements
assoc_inter = ops.intersection(ops.intersection(A, B), C).elements == \
ops.intersection(A, ops.intersection(B, C)).elements
return {
'commutative_union': comm_union,
'commutative_intersection': comm_inter,
'associative_union': assoc_union,
'associative_intersection': assoc_inter
Special Sets
class SpecialSets:
def create_interval(a, b, closed=True):
"""Create interval [a,b] or (a,b)"""
if closed:
return Set(np.arange(a, b + 1))
return Set(np.arange(a + 1, b))
def create_partition(universal_set, n_parts):
"""Create a partition of the universal set"""
elements = list(universal_set.elements)
partition_size = len(elements) // n_parts
partitions = []
for i in range(0, len(elements), partition_size):
partition = Set(elements[i:i + partition_size])
return partitions
Set Relations
Types of Relations
class SetRelation:
def __init__(self, domain, codomain, pairs):
self.domain = domain
self.codomain = codomain
self.pairs = set(pairs)
def is_function(self):
"""Check if relation is a function"""
domain_elements = set(x for x, _ in self.pairs)
return len(domain_elements) == len(self.domain.elements)
def is_injective(self):
"""Check if relation is one-to-one"""
codomain_elements = set(y for _, y in self.pairs)
return len(codomain_elements) == len(self.pairs)
def is_surjective(self):
"""Check if relation is onto"""
codomain_elements = set(y for _, y in self.pairs)
return codomain_elements == self.codomain.elements
Properties of Relations
def analyze_relation_properties(relation):
"""Analyze properties of a relation"""
pairs = relation.pairs
domain = relation.domain.elements
# Reflexivity
reflexive = all((x, x) in pairs for x in domain)
# Symmetry
symmetric = all((y, x) in pairs for (x, y) in pairs)
# Transitivity
transitive = all(
(x, z) in pairs
for (x, y1) in pairs
for (y2, z) in pairs
if y1 == y2
return {
'reflexive': reflexive,
'symmetric': symmetric,
'transitive': transitive,
'equivalence': reflexive and symmetric and transitive
Applications in Probability
Event Spaces
class ProbabilitySpace:
def __init__(self, sample_space):
self.sample_space = sample_space = self.sample_space.power_set()
def probability(self, event, probability_measure):
"""Compute probability of an event"""
return sum(probability_measure[outcome]
for outcome in event
if outcome in probability_measure)
def conditional_probability(self, event_A, event_B, probability_measure):
"""Compute P(A|B)"""
intersection = event_A.intersection(event_B)
return self.probability(intersection, probability_measure) / \
self.probability(event_B, probability_measure)
def check_independence(events, probability_measure):
"""Check independence of events"""
for A, B in itertools.combinations(events, 2):
p_a = probability_measure(A)
p_b = probability_measure(B)
p_ab = probability_measure(A.intersection(B))
if not np.isclose(p_ab, p_a * p_b):
return False
return True
Applications in Machine Learning
Feature Spaces
class FeatureSpace:
def __init__(self, features):
self.features = features
self.dimensions = len(features)
def feature_selection(self, k):
"""Select k best features"""
return Set(sorted(self.features,
key=lambda f: f.importance)[-k:])
def feature_interaction(self, degree=2):
"""Generate feature interactions"""
interactions = []
for d in range(2, degree + 1):
for combo in itertools.combinations(self.features, d):
return interactions
Model Theory
class ModelSpace:
def __init__(self, parameters):
self.parameters = parameters
self.parameter_space = Set(parameters)
def decision_boundary(self, classifier):
"""Compute decision boundary points"""
def is_boundary_point(x):
neighbors = self.get_neighbors(x)
predictions = [classifier.predict(n) for n in neighbors]
return len(set(predictions)) > 1
boundary_points = Set([x for x in self.parameter_space.elements
if is_boundary_point(x)])
return boundary_points
Advanced Topics
Measure Theory
class MeasureSpace:
def __init__(self, sigma_algebra):
self.sigma_algebra = sigma_algebra
def lebesgue_measure(self, set_):
"""Compute Lebesgue measure"""
if isinstance(set_, Set):
return len(set_.elements)
return sum(self.lebesgue_measure(subset)
for subset in set_)
class TopologicalSpace:
def __init__(self, base_sets):
self.base_sets = base_sets
self.topology = self.generate_topology()
def generate_topology(self):
"""Generate topology from base"""
topology = set()
for k in range(len(self.base_sets) + 1):
for combo in itertools.combinations(self.base_sets, k):
union = Set().union(*combo)
return topology
def is_continuous(self, f, domain, codomain):
"""Check if function is continuous"""
return all(f(Set(x)) in self.topology
for x in domain.elements)